Although cannabis is still prohibited in many countries all over the world, it has been used historically for medicinal purposes for more than 4000 years. Cannabis is a complex plant with over 100 compounds out of which CBD is the only one that can be used to prevent or treat Psychosis. Cannabidiol which is also known as CBD, is a phytocannabinoid and is found in abundance in a cannabis plant. It is derived from a hemp plant and almost makes 40 percent of it. As things are changing and the medical field is getting advanced, there are more and more people that are showing interest in the potential medical benefits of the cannabis plant. According to research, CBD has proven to be quite helpful and useful in psychiatric settings. It is a proven fact that CBD can be used to prevent or treat Psychosis.
What exactly is Psychosis?
Specifically speaking, Psychosis is mainly a group of symptoms rather than an inherent diagnosis. Psychosis is actually an umbrella term used in the medical field to depict the beliefs that are not real or things that one doesn’t experience really but sense it. Psychosis can be caused by sleep deprivation, excessive use of drugs, brain injury or extreme stress. One feels hallucinations when he is going through the phase of Psychosis. Due to the Psychosis, a person might suffer from shattered focus and find difficulties in concentration.
HOW DO YOU USE CBD OIL TINCTURES?Does CBD affect the symptoms of Psychosis?
Originally it was assumed that CBD lacked pharmacological effects, but due to advancement of technology and emerging changes in the medicinal field, and due to human and animal trials, it has been proved that CBD can reduce the drug-induced psychosis behaviour and can even lower the risk of Psychosis among people who use cannabis.
HOW LONG WILL CBD OIL STAY IN MY SYSTEM?A research was conducted in2017, in which 88 patients with Psychosis were chosen to perform the experiment. All of these patients received either a CBD or placebo over a period of six weeks. Researchers came to the conclusion that people who were treated with CBD showed reduced symptoms of Psychosis rather than the people who used the placebo.
CBD OilHow can CBD improve Psychotic Symptoms?
Other medicinal formats such as traditional antipsychotics work by targeting certain neurotransmitters in the brain such as adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. A tested theory revealed that psychotic symptoms occur due to the excessive discharge of dopamine. But, it was noted that patients who had dopamine at normal levels still suffered from psychotic symptoms too. This means that exploring the impact of another neurotransmitter would open up a new channel and horizon for treatment which is quite costly. Whereas those people who were injected with CBD showed greater brain functionality than the others. This means that CBD can vastly improve psychotic symptoms.
HOW MUCH CBD OIL SHOULD I USE?Is CBD a new class of treatment for Psychosis?
Whenever the effects and impact of CBD are taken into account, and its potential benefits are examined as well as measured, it is noted that CBD plays a pro-vital role in the treatment of Psychosis. There are modest improvements that are found on cognition, and the quality of life of patients is improved. Still, CBD affects only the positive symptoms of Psychosis and doesn’t affect the negative symptoms. This means that only hallucinations and delusions are affected by CBD and mood disruptions, and affective flattening remains unchanged irrespective of the CBD. Although due to CBD, patients showed signs of improvements but CBD was being given to those patients as an adjunct treatment along with the conventional antipsychotic treatment. To further expand the research and to find out the true benefits of CBD as a treatment for Psychosis, it is the need of the hour that thorough research is done in the field.
WILL MY INSURANCE COVER CBD OIL TINCTURES?In addition to the possible positive impacts of CBD on the patients suffering from the symptoms of Psychosis, it also prevents and heals the patients who are suffering from the Psychosis and other hallucination induced conditions. Initial clinical trials market that the CBD is safe to use and can induce antipsychotic effects in patients that have Psychosis.CBD Oil for Sleep There is an indication that CBD might help with the patients who are experiencing Psychosis at an early stage because there is a very low amount of risk involved. Although CBD is safe to use and is recommended for psychotic symptoms, still it is advised that you must consult your doctor about the right dosage and check with your state law if CBD is legal or not in your area.
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